Music & Moments
with the Masters
Now in three Volumes
Kindergarten through High School
Listen to the most-loved pieces of classical music and the instruments of the orchestra!
This study includes:
1812 Overture, Minute Waltz, Für Elise, Hallelujah Chorus, William Tell Overture, New World Symphony, and many more!
20+ masterworks
instruments of the orchestra & the Bible

Beginner Levels
Beginner Levels introduces your children to many of the most famous classical pieces of Western music, teaching them to enjoy, love, and informally observe music using the teaching method of Charlotte Mason. Children must learn how to listen; they must not simply be told what to hear - they must learn to hear for themselves. They will be equipped to narrate what they are hearing. We want their precious souls to be touched by wonder and excellence.
Grades K-3rd
Intermediate Levels

Students become very well acquainted with the great masters: their beliefs, and their music.
16 composers
15 CDs, The Gift of Music
100+ masterworks playlists
Intermediate Levels introduces your children to the biographies of sixteen of the greatest classical composers of Western music. The music they composed is beautifully interwoven into their life stories on audio CDs. Music and Moments is truly the best music appreciation education you can give your children!
This study includes:
Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Verdi, Schumann, Chopin, Wagner, Grieg, Strauss, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, & Dvorak
Grades 4th and up

High School Levels
This study includes:
Gregorian Chant, Late Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionism, Modern
30+ composers
100+ masterworks playlists
High School Levels trace the progression of Western Culture and the consequences of embracing biblical or secular worldviews as understood through music. Hear how truth leads to wisdom and beauty, while false philosophy leads to pain, brokenness, and despair.
Grades 8th and up
In this three-volume collection, students are carefully led through 1500 years of music history. Students progress from quietly listening to classical music in the Beginner Levels to becoming acquainted with the composers who created these masterpieces in the Intermediate Levels, and then, in the High School Levels, they apply their interpretations to the impact of music on Western Civilization. This is ideal for individuals who know little to nothing about music appreciation or music history because the study guides include everything a parent could ever need.
Experience the incredible richness and beauty of Classical Music by listening to 130 specifically created playlists (on Apple Music and Spotify) by more than 40 composers designed to guide your journey through music history.
Art is a reflection of God's creativity, an evidence that we are made in the image of God.
He who loses the arts loses the culture.
Francis Schaeffer