The Fine Arts

Why Study Quine Fine Arts?
There is tremendous value in using Music and Moments with the Masters and Adventures in Art to teach young people, since great masterpieces have power to present truth at a deep and memorable level. They display the greatness of God and the beauty of His creation while taking us to important places and times in history and encouraging us to worship God.
The Grand Tour -- Early Childhood through High School
THE FINE ARTS curriculum offers a thorough and intricate look into the history of Western Civilization, much like touring art galleries and symphony halls where the masters performed. With the aid of contemporary technology, you and your family can now appreciate the great works of Rembrandt and Michelangelo, or Bach and Beethoven, in your own home. This collection presents a feast of beautiful ideas for the whole family.
Each book is beautifully put together. They are a real Treasure!
Mary C., Dallas, Texas
The more we acquaint ourselves with that which is truly great and beautiful, the more we will dislike and turn away from that which is shallow and ugly. And we want to show that what each composer believes in his heart and mind affects his creativity and those who follow him.
Betty Carlson
We cannot measure the influence that one or another artist has upon the child’s sense of beauty, upon his power of seeing, as in a picture, the common sights of life. He is enriched more than we know in having really looked at even a single picture.
Charlotte Mason
There are things in the Christian world that cause us to be sad. One of these is that for many Christians classical music is a complete vacuum. This robs individual Christians and their children of one of the very rich areas of joy in this life.
Francis Schaeffer